The Journey

Learn a bit about our journey that has spanned over the last decade to get us here today:

March 2014
In 2014, we ran a Kickstarter to bring you The Mobile Observatory Project - an outreach mission to share all things about the sun and space weather! We had 800+ sponsors help make this goal a reality. We rented out our home and hit the road!!
June 2014
The RV retrofit is complete!
The Mobile Observatory Project travels through 40+ states and 4 provinces from June 2014 through February 2015, with over 75+ events!
After putting the RV into storage, we focused on running Observing The Frontier conferences, an annual family friendly forum for attendees to hear speakers share their research.
Conferences continue, adding a Student Session for students to earn prizes!
Children's books about space are published!
Learning about the Sun!
January 2021
We've officially CLOSED on 70 acres in hopes of building a campground for 0bservers! 🎉🎉🎉
February 2021
Staking 12 acres for construction!
June 2021
Talented engineers putting together Concept Plan and discussing infrastructure!
July 2021
We are continuing to work on the design phase of the learning center and campground, including getting roadbase. We've got buffalo gourds growing, about 100 lining the creek!
September 2021
Organized an Observer Ranch campground design contest and received over 50 entries! A final design was chosen, but it will incorporate aspects we loved from all of the entries!
December 2021
Breaking ground! Getting started on building roads and infrastructure at the ranch!
January 2022
Making progress on the Observer Ranch Library design!
February 2022
Working on creating planet-inspired trailers for the ranch! We currently have Earth and Mars. Excited to expand into the whole solar system!
March 2022
The snow is melting and construction is continuing with True North! We are also jumpstarting on planning special events and courses that will be offered at the ranch!
April 2022
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Observer Happy Hour this month!
May 2022
Summer is just around the corner at the ranch, but a few snow capped mountains can still be seen on the horizon. We are thankful for this beautiful space in Colorado!
June 2022
We hosted an Observer Tai Chi class, touching on the mindful connection between the universe and our everyday life!
July 2022
Welcoming summer at the ranch with these stunning "Sun" flowers!
August 2022
Observer August Meetup! Thank you to Rocky Top Mountain Campground for providing the beautiful location! The rain did not keep us from having a great time with fellow Observers!
September 2022
We are officially approved! A team lunch to celebrate Observer Ranch's official County Commissioner's approval!
October 2022
This month we hosted two Observer Events in Arizona! Thank you to the Scottsdale Sound Sanctuary and Flying Leap Winery. We are reminded of just how special it is for our community to come together.
November 2022
We hosted the official ranch ground breaking ceremony! We are looking forward to making building progress.
January 2023
Our first Observer event of the year! We loved getting to meet with Observers in Cheyenne, WY. This is the first of many tour stops this year.
March 2023
Hosting our Observer Lecture event in San Jose, CA!
May 2023
We now have some doors and windows in our main administration building!
June 2023
Snowmelt water is still flowing through Eight Mile Creek on Observer Ranch! Over 3 billion gallons of water flowed through the ranch this month!
September 2023
The drywall is up and we are beginning to buildout the coffee bar that will be in the main Administrative Building.
October 2023
We hosted a Observer Community Event in Colorado Springs at a local axe throwing business.
November 2023
Hosting our first walk-through tour of Observer Ranch at our last event before the end of the year.
December 2023
Our flooring is finished in the main area of the Administration Building.
January 2024
Cabinets are delivered!
February 2024
More materials are delivered, progress continues to be made at the ranch!
April 2024
Work continues inside the support building!
May 2024
Wrapping up school events!

Adventure Gallery

The Mobile Observatory Project Over The Years


The work you do everyday bringing this high level physics down to understanding for the everyday man is invaluable. I thank you profoundly

K. Kirk